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Legend (ext/pinpoint)

Advice agencies (2)
Advice drop in (3)
Ambulance stations (4)
Blood kits (5)
Citizen service points (6)
Community centres (7)
Community notice boards (8)
Community places of safety (9)
Council CCTV Cameras (10)
Debt advice agencies (11)
Digital access points (12)
Fire Stations (13)
Food banks (14)
Green capital grants (15)
Strategic Grant Strategic Grant
Neighbourhood grant Neighbourhood grant
Small grant Small grant
Job Centres (16)
Pay points (17)
Police stations (18)
Polling stations (19)
Single polling station Single polling station
Dual polling station Dual polling station
Triple polling station Triple polling station
Quadruple polling station Quadruple polling station
Polling stations for South Glos that fall in Bristol North East (20)
Single polling station Single polling station
Dual polling station Dual polling station
Triple polling station Triple polling station
Quadruple polling station Quadruple polling station
Post offices (21)
Public Toilets (22)
Not Accessible Not Accessible
Accessible Accessible
Early years (24)
Free Early Education Entitlement providers (25)
FEEE Providers registered offering 30hrs for eligible 3 & 4 year olds (26)
FEEE Providers registered to take 2 year olds (27)
Nursery schools (28)
Primary schools (29)
Referral units (30)
School library service (31)
Secondary schools (32)
Special schools (33)
Real-time air quality monitors (35)
Air quality monitors (36)
<20 μg/m3 NO2 <20 μg/m3 NO2
20-40 μg/m3 NO2 20-40 μg/m3 NO2
>40 μg/m3 NO2 >40 μg/m3 NO2
Monitoring Started in 2024 Monitoring Started in 2024
Clean Air Zone signs (37)
CAZ Advanced CAZ Advanced
CAZ Entry CAZ Entry
CAZ Exit CAZ Exit
CAZ Repeater CAZ Repeater
CIL sites (38)
Strategic Strategic
Area Committee Area Committee
District heating energy centre installed (39)
Dock water sample (40)
Excellent Excellent
Good Good
Poor Poor
Environmental Permits (41)
Historic permit Historic permit
No permit required No permit required
Operating Operating
Other Other
Household waste centres (42)
HMO planning permissions (43)
Park bench - sponsor a bench (44)
Barbecue Plinth Barbecue Plinth
Cycle Parking Rack Cycle Parking Rack
Bin Bin
Green Compost Bays Green Compost Bays
Life Ring (Docks) Life Ring (Docks)
Picnic Table Picnic Table
Recycling Bins Bay Recycling Bins Bay
Seat Seat
Unclassified Unclassified
Park furniture (45)
Barbecue Plinth Barbecue Plinth
Cycle Parking Rack Cycle Parking Rack
Bin Bin
Green Compost Bays Green Compost Bays
Life Ring (Docks) Life Ring (Docks)
Picnic Table Picnic Table
Recycling Bins Bay Recycling Bins Bay
Seat Seat
Unclassified Unclassified
Park user facilities (46)
Access Point Access Point
Green Toilet Green Toilet
Ferry Landing Stage Ferry Landing Stage
Events Area Events Area
Icecream and Mobile Catering Icecream and Mobile Catering
Visitors Centre Visitors Centre
Park Ranger Station Park Ranger Station
Toilets Public Annual Toilets Public Annual
Toilets Public Seasonal Toilets Public Seasonal
Restaurant / Public House Restaurant / Public House
Cafe Cafe
Drinking Fountain Drinking Fountain
Car Park Car Park
Car Park (Temporary Event/Zoo) Car Park (Temporary Event/Zoo)
Sports Pavilion Sports Pavilion
Park Building Park Building
Park Shelter Park Shelter
Tower Tower
Depot Building Depot Building
Attraction Attraction
Art Works Art Works
Trim Trail Exercise Station Trim Trail Exercise Station
Memorial / Monument Memorial / Monument
Miniture Railway Miniture Railway
Water Wheel Water Wheel
<all other values> <all other values>
Recycling banks (47)
Renewables - Biomass Boilers (48)
Renewables - Ground Source Heat Pumps (49)
Renewables - PV (electricity from light) (50)
Renewables - Solar Farms (51)
Renewables - Solar Thermal Systems (52)
Renewables - Wind Turbines (53)
River water quality 2012 (54)
Excellent Excellent
Good Good
Moderate Moderate
Poor Poor
Bad Bad
River water quality 2013 (55)
Excellent Excellent
Good Good
Moderate Moderate
Poor Poor
Bad Bad
S106 agreements (56)
Neighbourhoods Directorate Neighbourhoods Directorate
People Directorate People Directorate
Place Directorate Place Directorate
Neighbourhood Partnerships Neighbourhood Partnerships
Tree Preservation Order Trunk (57)
Trees (58)
Trees - Bristol University (59)
Care home facilities (61)
Nursing homes Nursing homes
Residential homes Residential homes
Dentists (62)
GPs (63)
Health centres and clinics (64)
Hospitals (65)
Opticians (66)
Pharmacies (67)
Walk in centres (68)
50 plus housing (70)
Property Licence - Additional HMO (71)
Property Licence - Mandatory HMO (72)
Property Licence - Selective (73)
Very Sheltered Housing Schemes (74)
BMX facilities (76)
Bristol harbour railway (77)
Platform Platform
Track Track
Track under bridge Track under bridge
<all other values> <all other values>
Childrens play areas (78)
Childrens play equipment (79)
Unclassified Unclassified
Aerial Runway Aerial Runway
Climber Climber
Informal Football Goal Informal Football Goal
Multi Climber Multi Climber
Play Graphics (Hard) Play Graphics (Hard)
Rocker / See Saw Rocker / See Saw
Rotator / Roundabout Rotator / Roundabout
Sand Play Item Sand Play Item
Social Play Social Play
Static Play Features Static Play Features
Slide Slide
Swing Swing
Table Tennis Table Table Tennis Table
Teen Shelter Teen Shelter
Trampoline Trampoline
Trim Trail Trim Trail
Water Play Item Water Play Item
Wheels Park Item Wheels Park Item
Youth Sports and Fitness Youth Sports and Fitness
Cinemas (80)
City Farms (81)
Compass walk - directions (82)
Compass walk - points of interest (83)
Compass walk - routes (84)
Alternative Alternative
Main Main
Cycle shops and repairs (85)
Disabled access information (86)
Libraries (87)
Museums and archives (88)
Music venues and night clubs (89)
Pubs and nightclubs (90)
Restaurants and cafes (91)
Theatres (92)
Tourist information (93)
Artificial grass pitches (95)
Athletics (96)
Cycling (97)
Golf facilities (98)
Grass pitches (99)
Gyms (100)
Indoor bowls (101)
Indoor tennis (102)
Outdoor tennis (103)
Sports and leisure centres (104)
Sports halls (105)
Squash courts (106)
Studios (107)
Swimming pools (108)
BNET duct and fibre (110)
BNET Fibre BNET Fibre
University of Bristol (UOB) Fibre University of Bristol (UOB) Fibre
BNET and UOB Fibre BNET and UOB Fibre
South Gloucestershire Fibre South Gloucestershire Fibre
Empty Duct Empty Duct
<all other values> <all other values>
BNET protected duct for future use (111)
BNET Rediffusion chambers (112)
BNET Rediffusion duct (113)
Bus stops (114)
Bus routes (115)
Car club bays assets (116)
Co-wheels Co-wheels
Enterprise Car Club Enterprise Car Club
Unknown Unknown
Zipcar Zipcar
Hiya Car Hiya Car
Car parks (117)
Cycle hangar location (118)
Installed Installed
Proposed Proposed
Cycle network (119)
Traffic Free / Quiet Roads Traffic Free / Quiet Roads
Popular Busier Roads Popular Busier Roads
Other cycle infrastructure Other cycle infrastructure
Other Links Other Links
Planned Strategic Routes Planned Strategic Routes
Aspirational Strategic Routes Aspirational Strategic Routes
Aspirational Local Routes Aspirational Local Routes
Cycling - leisure rides (120)
Cycling - strategic routes (121)
Bristol and Bath Railway Path Bristol and Bath Railway Path
Concorde Way Concorde Way
Downs Way Downs Way
Festival Way Festival Way
Filwood Greenway Filwood Greenway
Frome Valley Greenway Frome Valley Greenway
Malago Greenway Malago Greenway
Portway Portway
River Avon Trail River Avon Trail
Southmead Quietway Southmead Quietway
Wesley Way Wesley Way
Whitchurch Way Whitchurch Way
Designated car parks (122)
Electric Vehicle Charging Points NCR (123)
Ferry landing stages (124)
Greenways (125)
Existing Existing
Proposed Proposed
Grit bins (126)
Gritting routes (127)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
Other Other
Gullies (128)
LSG Interests (129)
Adopted or BCC maintainable Adopted or BCC maintainable
Publicly maintainable not by BCC Publicly maintainable not by BCC
Unadopted or privately maintainable Unadopted or privately maintainable
MetroBus routes (130)
m1(N) Hengrove Park to Cribbs Causeway m1(N) Hengrove Park to Cribbs Causeway
m1(S) Cribbs Causeway to Hengrove Park m1(S) Cribbs Causeway to Hengrove Park
m2 Long Ashton Park & Ride to City Centre m2 Long Ashton Park & Ride to City Centre
m3(N) City Centre to Emersons Green m3(N) City Centre to Emersons Green
m3(S) Emersons Green to City Centre m3(S) Emersons Green to City Centre
MetroBus stops (131)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Park and ride (132)
Pay and display machines (133)
Public bike pumps (134)
Public rights of way (135)
Bridleway Bridleway
Footpath Footpath
Restricted Byway Restricted Byway
Footpath Subsumed Footpath Subsumed
Railway stations (136)
Residential parking scheme signs (137)
Safety cameras (138)
School crossing patrol (139)
Speed limits (140)
20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
60 60
70 70
Streetlights (141)
Aviation Obstruction Light Aviation Obstruction Light
Bike Washing Pump Bike Washing Pump
Bollard Bollard
Bus Shelter Bus Shelter
EV Charging EV Charging
Electric External Socket Electric External Socket
Feature Fld.Lgt Feature Fld.Lgt
Feeder Pillar Feeder Pillar
Flood Light Flood Light
Gas Light Gas Light
High Mast High Mast
MUGA Flood Light MUGA Flood Light
Non Ill 20 Mph Non Ill 20 Mph
Non Ill Bollard Non Ill Bollard
Non-Ill Sign Non-Ill Sign
On Building On Building
Other Other
Pump Pump
Refuge Column Refuge Column
Sign Sign
Solar Bollard Solar Bollard
Solar Panel Solar Panel
Speed Camera Speed Camera
Stand-by Generator Stand-by Generator
Street Light Street Light
Subway Subway
UHI Monitor UHI Monitor
Uplighter Uplighter
Weather Station Weather Station
Wig Wag Wig Wag
Xmas Socket Xmas Socket
Zebra Zebra
Sustrans cycle network (142)
On road route On road route
Traffic free route Traffic free route
Taxi ranks (143)
Temporary Play Street Orders (144)
Live Live
Cancelled Cancelled
Traffic collisions (145)
Child pedestrian casualty Child pedestrian casualty
Elderly pedestrian casualty Elderly pedestrian casualty
Adult pedestrian casualty Adult pedestrian casualty
Involving pedal cyclist Involving pedal cyclist
Involving motor cyclist Involving motor cyclist
Other collisions Other collisions
Traffic signals (146)
Junction Junction
Junction (Shuttle) Junction (Shuttle)
Midblock Midblock
Wig Wag Wig Wag
Traffic survey locations (147)
2000 - 2014 2000 - 2014
Permanent counter Permanent counter
2015 - Present day 2015 - Present day
Variable Messaging Signs (148)
2021 Lower super output areas (151)
2021 Middle layer super output areas (152)
2021 Census output areas (153)
2011 Lower super output areas (154)
2011 Middle layer super output areas (155)
Area committees (CIL areas) (156)
Bristol City docks estate (157)
Bristol Purple Flag area (158)
Business Improvement Districts (159)
Broadmead BID 3 Broadmead BID 3
City Centre BID City Centre BID
Clifton Village BID Clifton Village BID
Redcliffe and Temple BID Redcliffe and Temple BID
Care and Support, Children and Families area boundaries (160)
Councillors by Ward (161)
Managed Estates within BID areas (162)
Neighbourhood management service areas (163)
Neighbouring authorities (164)
Bath and North East Somerset Bath and North East Somerset
North Somerset North Somerset
South Gloucestershire South Gloucestershire
Parliamentary constituencies (165)
Polling districts (166)
Polling districts for South Glos that fall in Bristol North East (167)
Wards (168)
City Evacuation Zones (170)
Bristol Shopping Quarter Bristol Shopping Quarter
Old City Old City
St Michael's Hill St Michael's Hill
Temple Temple
Waterfront Waterfront
West End West End
No cold-calling areas (171)
Public Space Protection Orders (172)
Children's centre hub areas (174)
Children's centre reach areas (175)
Secondary School areas of first priority (176)
Ashton Park School Ashton Park School
Ashton Park School and Oasis Academy Daventry Road Ashton Park School and Oasis Academy Daventry Road
Ashton Park School and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter Ashton Park School and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Bedminster Down Secondary School Bedminster Down Secondary School
Bedminster Down Secondary School and Oasis Academy Daventry Road Bedminster Down Secondary School and Oasis Academy Daventry Road
Bristol Brunel Academy Bristol Brunel Academy
Bristol Brunel Academy and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter Bristol Brunel Academy and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Bristol Free School Bristol Free School
Bristol Metropolitan Academy Bristol Metropolitan Academy
Bristol Metropolitan Academy and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter Bristol Metropolitan Academy and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Cotham School Cotham School
Cotham School and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter Cotham School and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Fairfield High School Fairfield High School
Fairfield High School and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter Fairfield High School and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Fairfield High School and Trinity Academy Inner area Fairfield High School and Trinity Academy Inner area
Oasis Academy Daventry Road Oasis Academy Daventry Road
Oasis Academy Temple Quarter Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Oasis John Williams Oasis John Williams
Oasis John Williams and Oasis Academy Daventry Road Oasis John Williams and Oasis Academy Daventry Road
Orchard School Orchard School
Orchard School and Bristol Free School Orchard School and Bristol Free School
Orchard School and Trinity Academy Inner area Orchard School and Trinity Academy Inner area
Redland Green School Area of First Priority Redland Green School Area of First Priority
Redland Green School Area of First Priority and Bristol Free School Redland Green School Area of First Priority and Bristol Free School
The City Academy Bristol and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter The City Academy Bristol and Oasis Academy Temple Quarter
Secondary School areas of second priority (177)
Redland Green School area of Second Priority Redland Green School area of Second Priority
Trinity Academy Outer area Trinity Academy Outer area
Air quality management areas (179)
Clean Air Zone boundaries (180)
Affordable Housing 20 Perc Threshold areas (181)
Article 4 Directions (182)
Common Land and Village Greens (183)
Conservation Areas (184)
Cumulative Impact Areas (185)
District heating pipework installed (186)
Focus Areas for Nature Recovery (187)
Internal drainage boards (188)
Lower Severn Lower Severn
Axe Brue Axe Brue
North Somerset Levels North Somerset Levels
Parret Parret
Neighbourhood development plan areas (189)
Neighbourhood development plan made Neighbourhood development plan made
Designated neighbourhood area Designated neighbourhood area
Neighbourhood planning network (190)
Ambition Lawrence Weston Ambition Lawrence Weston
Arnos Vale Residents Association Arnos Vale Residents Association
Avonmouth planning and liaison group Avonmouth planning and liaison group
BS10 parks and planning group BS10 parks and planning group
BS3 + Myrtle Triangle NDF BS3 + Myrtle Triangle NDF
Bishopston Society Bishopston Society
Bower Ashton Residents' Association Bower Ashton Residents' Association
Brislington Community Partnership (BCP) Brislington Community Partnership (BCP)
Byron Place Residents' Association (BPRA) Byron Place Residents' Association (BPRA)
Christmas Steps Arts Quarter Christmas Steps Arts Quarter
Church Road Action Group Church Road Action Group
Clifton & Hotwells Improvement Society Clifton & Hotwells Improvement Society
Clifton Down Residents Association Clifton Down Residents Association
Dings Community Association Dings Community Association
Friends of The Downs and Avon Gorge (FODAG) Friends of The Downs and Avon Gorge (FODAG)
Friends of the Avon New Cut (FrANC) Friends of the Avon New Cut (FrANC)
Hengrove and Whitchurch Park NDF Hengrove and Whitchurch Park NDF
Henleaze Society Henleaze Society
High Kingsdown RA High Kingsdown RA
Highbury Residents' Association Highbury Residents' Association
Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association (HCCA) Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association (HCCA)
Kingsdown Conservation Group Kingsdown Conservation Group
Knowle West CIP Knowle West CIP
Lockleaze Voice NDF Lockleaze Voice NDF
Malago Valley Conservation Group (BS13) Malago Valley Conservation Group (BS13)
Merchant's Landing residents Association Merchant's Landing residents Association
Montpelier Conservation Group Montpelier Conservation Group
Northern Slopes Initiative Northern Slopes Initiative
Oakfield Residents Association Oakfield Residents Association
Old Market Community Association Old Market Community Association
People's Republic of Stokes Croft People's Republic of Stokes Croft
Plan E-L Plan E-L
Planning Fishponds Planning Fishponds
Planning Solutions Planning Solutions
Pride of Place Group: Dundry View NP Pride of Place Group: Dundry View NP
Redcliffe Way Neighbourhood Development Forum Redcliffe Way Neighbourhood Development Forum
Redland and Cotham Amenity Society (RCAS) Redland and Cotham Amenity Society (RCAS)
Richmond Hill Area Residents Association Richmond Hill Area Residents Association
Richmond Terrace Residents Association Richmond Terrace Residents Association
Save Seamills Garden Suburb Save Seamills Garden Suburb
Shirehampton Community Action Forum (SCAF) Shirehampton Community Action Forum (SCAF)
Sneyd Park Residents Association Sneyd Park Residents Association
St Pauls planning group St Pauls planning group
St Philips Marsh Neighbourhood Planning Group St Philips Marsh Neighbourhood Planning Group St Philips Marsh Neighbourhood Planning Group St Philips Marsh Neighbourhood Planning Group
St Werburghs Neighbourhood Association St Werburghs Neighbourhood Association
Stoke Bishop Residents Planning Group Stoke Bishop Residents Planning Group
Totterdown Residents Environmental and Social Action (TRESA) Totterdown Residents Environmental and Social Action (TRESA)
Way out West Way out West
Westbury Park Residents' Association Westbury Park Residents' Association
Westbury on Trym Society Westbury on Trym Society
Windmill Hill and Malago WHaM community planning group Windmill Hill and Malago WHaM community planning group Windmill Hill and Malago WHaM community planning group Windmill Hill and Malago WHaM community planning group Windmill Hill and Malago WHaM community planning group Windmill Hill and Malago WHaM community planning group
<all other values> <all other values>
Planning applications (191)
Ramsar sites (192)
Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (193)
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (194)
Solar potential (195)
Limited or no unshaded roof Limited or no unshaded roof
Reasonable Reasonable
Good Good
Very good Very good
Special Areas of Conservation (196)
Special Protection Areas (197)
Student accommodation (198)
Student accommodation Student accommodation
Planning permission granted Planning permission granted
Proposed - pending decision Proposed - pending decision
Multiple applications/permissions Multiple applications/permissions
Screening options Screening options
Surface drainage discharge zones (199)
Surface water high risk areas (200)
Tree Preservation Order Canopy (201)
Wildlife Corridors (202)
Affordable housing zones (204)
Council property ownership (205)
Growth and Regeneration Growth and Regeneration
Adults and Communities Adults and Communities
Children and Education Children and Education
Resources Resources
Property licensing (206)
Additional and Selective licensing (a) Additional and Selective licensing (a)
Additional and Selective licensing (b) Additional and Selective licensing (b)
Additional licensing Additional licensing
Allotment plots (208)
Allotments sites (209)
Cultural investment programme priority areas (210)
Parks and Green Spaces (211)
Parks and Green Spaces Types (212)
Informal Green Space Informal Green Space
Formal Green Space Formal Green Space
Active Sports - Fixed Active Sports - Fixed
Active Sports - Seasonal Active Sports - Seasonal
Natural Green Space Natural Green Space
Childrens Play Space Childrens Play Space
Young Persons Space Young Persons Space
No Right of Public Access No Right of Public Access
Gigabit availability (214)
0 - 10 0 - 10
10 - 20 10 - 20
20 - 30 20 - 30
30 - 40 30 - 40
40 - 50 40 - 50
50 - 60 50 - 60
60 - 70 60 - 70
70 - 80 70 - 80
80 - 90 80 - 90
90 - 100 90 - 100
BrisTAL (Bristol Transport Access Level) (215)
0 (Worst) 0 (Worst)
1a 1a
1b 1b
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6a 6a
6b (Best) 6b (Best)
Local Street Gazetteer (LSG) (216)
LSG Road numbers (217)
A Road A Road
B Road B Road
C Road C Road
Motorway Motorway
<all other values> <all other values>
Residential parking schemes (218)
In operation In operation
Proposed Proposed
Section 50 street work notices (219)
Twenty mph limits (220)